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Click the tabs to view various policies, or download our full Waivers and Policies document below.
Questions? Please contact Ballet Lubbock at 806.785.3090 or info@balletlubbock.org.
Ballet Lubbock is an inclusive and nurturing organization that celebrates each person’s contribution to our communal culture. Families are encouraged to create and maintain friendships through respect for each other and our shared love of dance.
We value communication and encourage all students and families to contact us with any questions or concerns. The sooner that a staff member knows about a problem or concern, the sooner we can all work towards its resolution.
Artistic Director, Yvonne Racz Key: yvonne@balletlubbock.org
Executive Director, Nicholas Dragga: nicholas@balletlubbock.org
Business Manager, Meg Davis: meg@balletlubbock.org
Confidential and Board of Directors monitored email: concern@balletlubbock.org
Ballet Lubbock works towards an environment of mutual respect.
Dancers, teachers, staff, and families are expected to work together to create and sustain an inclusive environment for all of the Ballet Lubbock family.
Dance is a creative discipline. It allows for expression through technique, and it requires commitment, time, focus, and dedication. Your teachers have worked hard to achieve their status as instructors and are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with you. Your teachers have been where you are, and they have great respect for you. In turn, they must have your respect.
Dancers must respect their fellow dancers. The purpose of a class is to learn not only for yourself but to rise together as a group through mutual respect and consideration.
You are the face of Ballet Lubbock and should conduct yourself in a manner that reflects positively on both yourself and the organization. The kindness, respect, and artistry you practice in the classroom will always serve you well outside of it.
Treat others the way they want to be treated.
Our differences are what make us a stronger team.
We will always be stronger cheering for one another’s success. Bullying, harassment, hate speech, or gestures will not be tolerated by students, faculty, office staff, or anyone in the Ballet Lubbock family. We are all expected to honor and support each other in and out of the classroom, in person, and on social media platforms.
Integrity Matters.
Honesty and integrity are honorable and brave.
Communicating with kindness and truth creates connection.
Take pride in your education.
Be mindful. Be present. Cell phones and other non-medical electronics are not allowed in the studio during class. If your dancer needs to keep their phone on their person in case of family emergency, please let the instructor know.
We are strengthened when each person takes pride in and responsibility for their own performance and behavior.
Respect the rules.
Rules are established as an agreement between the teacher and the student. The repetition and discipline of class help you grow strong and confident.
Please respect the dress code, an essential part of dance training. The dress code enables you and the instructor to see your form and lines in order to develop your technique.
Ballet Lubbock admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national and ethnic origin in the administration of our education policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, or any other programs.
Ballet Lubbock is an inclusive and nurturing organization that celebrates each person’s contribution to our communal culture. Families are encouraged to create and maintain friendships through respect for each other and our shared love of dance.
We value communication and encourage all students and families to contact us with any questions or concerns. The sooner that a staff member knows about a problem or concern, the sooner we can all work towards its resolution.
Artistic Director, Yvonne Racz Key: yvonne@balletlubbock.org
Executive Director, Nicholas Dragga: nicholas@balletlubbock.org
Business Manager, Meg Davis: meg@balletlubbock.org
Confidential and Board of Directors monitored email: concern@balletlubbock.org
Ballet Lubbock works towards an environment of mutual respect.
Dancers, teachers, staff, and families are expected to work together to create and sustain an inclusive environment for all of the Ballet Lubbock family.
Dance is a creative discipline. It allows for expression through technique, and it requires commitment, time, focus, and dedication. Your teachers have worked hard to achieve their status as instructors and are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with you. Your teachers have been where you are, and they have great respect for you. In turn, they must have your respect.
Dancers must respect their fellow dancers. The purpose of a class is to learn not only for yourself but to rise together as a group through mutual respect and consideration.
You are the face of Ballet Lubbock and should conduct yourself in a manner that reflects positively on both yourself and the organization. The kindness, respect, and artistry you practice in the classroom will always serve you well outside of it.
Treat others the way they want to be treated.
Our differences are what make us a stronger team.
We will always be stronger cheering for one another’s success. Bullying, harassment, hate speech, or gestures will not be tolerated by students, faculty, office staff, or anyone in the Ballet Lubbock family. We are all expected to honor and support each other in and out of the classroom, in person, and on social media platforms.
Integrity Matters.
Honesty and integrity are honorable and brave.
Communicating with kindness and truth creates connection.
Take pride in your education.
Be mindful. Be present.
We are strengthened when each person takes pride in and responsibility for their own performance and behavior.
Respect the rules.
Rules are established as an agreement between the teacher and the student. The repetition and discipline of class help you grow strong and confident.
Please respect the dress code, an essential part of dance training. The dress code enables you and the instructor to see your form and lines in order to develop your technique.
Ballet Lubbock admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national and ethnic origin in the administration of our education policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, or any other programs.
Our tuition fees are an annual amount, billed in 8 installments on the 15th of the month, September through April. If the 15th of the month is not a business day, tuition will be billed the first business day thereafter.
We understand circumstances may require you to set up a different pay schedule; please contact our Operations Director should you require assistance in this manner.
Tuiton is not based on a monthly fee.
- Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card. Please note that Ballet Lubbock will not make change for a $100 bill on-site.
- Autopayments may be set up using a credit card or bank account. Please be aware, if your credit card or bank account information changes, it will need to be updated on your Ballet Lubbock account.
- Tuition is not prorated. Students are allowed to withdraw from classes at anytime, but we must receive notification by the 5th of the month in order for you to not be charged the next installment.
- Tuition can be paid in full or in advance at any time.
There is a one-time new student registration fee of $25. There are no other fees, such as costume fees or performance fees, associated with Ballet Lubbock.
Any check returned to Ballet Lubbock’s bank for insufficient funds goes automatically to InstaChek which charges a fee for repayment. This fee will be passed on to the writer of the check.
In an effort to streamline our financial processes and ensure the continued quality of our programs, Ballet Lubbock will begin working with a collection agency to manage any outstanding tuition balances. This change will take effect as of August 2024.
Here’s what you need to know:
If tuition payments become overdue, our designated collection agency will be responsible for collecting the outstanding amounts. This process will help us manage accounts more efficiently and reduce administrative burdens.
It remains essential for families to make timely payments in accordance with our tuition schedule to avoid the involvement of the collection agency. Please review your payment plan and ensure all tuition is settled promptly.
We will provide advance notice of any overdue balances before involving the collection agency. Our goal is to work collaboratively with families to resolve any payment issues before they escalate. We will contact you a minimum of 3 times and across 3 different mediums prior to sending your account to collections: via email, phone, and physical mail.
Please immediately notify Ballet Lubbock in writing if you plan to remove your student from our school. In order to not be charged for the month, notification must be given by the 5th of that month. This ensures that your account will be closed properly, any auto payments to be stopped, and that your student is removed from the roll sheets. Ballet Lubbock is not responsible for fees incurred due to failure of withdrawal notification.
Attendance is critical to consistent progress and advancement in the School. Students who are injured are expected to observe classes and take notes. Poor attendance (for any reason) may jeopardize a student’s placement, participation in productions, promotion or Financial Aid.
3 absences per year may be made up within the month of the absence by emailing attendance@balletlubbock.org. Classes are made up by attending another section of your level, or if your level does not have another section, attending a class from the level below.
If your child is injured and will miss a prolonged series of classes, we ask that you provide us with an applicable doctor’s note.
Consistent and punctual attendance at rehearsals and performances is required.
Any conflict due to a graded, school-mandated requirement needs to be discussed with the Artistic Director as soon as the conflict becomes known to the student. No other scheduling conflict is permitted.
If a student must miss a rehearsal due to illness or family emergency, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the Artistic Director in writing via e-mail (yvonne@balletlubbock.org) prior to the rehearsal or performance.
An unreported absence is a breach of the performance contract, and the dancer may not be allowed to participate in the production.
Students are expected to respect their instructors and peers, and behave appropriately in class. Parent/guardian communication will be prioritized as behavior issues are addressed, and may extend to written notices. In extenuating circumstances where behavior issues still do not improve, your student may be dismissed from class for the duration of the semester or school year.
Ballet Lubbock’s downstairs studios (Covenant Health Studios North and South) feature a glass wall that offers a view of dancers from the lobby of Ballet Lubbock for observation.
Additionally, there are video monitors in Ballet Lubbock’s lobby featuring a live video feed to the upstairs studios (Louise and Harris Underwood Studio, Geneva Griffin Studio, Natalia Johnson Studio, and Kinley Schmidt Studio).
One week per semester is Dance-with-Me week, during which time we encourage one adult guardian or family member to join each dancer during their class. Save the dates using this calendar!
After a period of two (2) weeks into either the fall or spring semesters, any class with enrollment of four (4) or fewer students can be canceled. If for any reason, a class enrolling four (4) or fewer students is not canceled altogether, then it is at the full discretion of the Artistic Director whether that class will participate in performances, including the School Performance.
Ballet Lubbock’s School Calendar can be found here. Ballet Lubbock has the discretion to cancel classes due to inclement weather. In such instances, the Ballet Lubbock staff will notify parents as soon as possible using the contact information you have provided. E-mail is the primary form of communication, but text messages may also be used. Please keep all contact information current by logging into your DanceStudio Pro account.
Progress reports are offered during the Fall semester. They are addressed to those dancers who are observed by their teacher to be struggling with their work in class for various reasons. Family members will be contacted to set up an in-person conference in the first semester.
During this meeting, the teacher addresses any concerns they have observed in the student’s performance, technique, or overall development in class. The purpose of the discussion is to understand and discuss how to best enable the student to move forward and progress with the rest of their level.
An end-of-the-year conference at Ballet Lubbock is an in-person meeting held between the family, the dancer, and the instructor to discuss the dancer’s progress throughout the year. This is a valuable opportunity for the dancer to reflect on their experiences, sharing what they discovered about themselves, including what they enjoyed and what they found challenging.
During this conference, the instructor will also share their observations of the dancer’s development, highlighting strengths, areas for improvement, and overall progress. A key part of the discussion is the dancer’s placement for the following year. The instructor will recommend whether the dancer should be promoted to the next level or if it would be more beneficial for them to repeat the current level.
It’s important to note that repeating a level is very common at Ballet Lubbock and other pre-professional ballet schools. This decision is made with the dancer’s best interests in mind, ensuring they are adequately prepared for the next stage in the curriculum. The primary goal of placement is always to support the dancer’s safety, growth, and progress within the ballet program.
At Ballet Lubbock, we have a carefully designed curriculum for each level of ballet education, which is structured similarly to how students progress in their academic education, such as moving from one grade to the next in elementary or middle school. Each level is tailored to the dancer’s age, and their progression is guided by their somatic awareness, coordination, strengths, and maturity. Throughout the year, we continuously observe your child’s development in these areas. At the end of the year, we hold a conference where we discuss your child’s progress in detail.
Ballet Lubbock strives to provide the safest possible instructional methods and facilities for your student. However, ballet is a very physical activity. As such, there is always the possibility of an injury. Because of this fact, we require that you release Ballet Lubbock and its staff from any liability for any injury your student may incur while:
- at the Ballet Lubbock Studio
- at any Ballet Lubbock event outside of the Studio
- during a class, rehearsal or performance sponsored or arranged by Ballet Lubbock.
By enrolling at Ballet Lubbock, you agree to waive liability.
By enrolling at Ballet Lubbock, I give permission for the enrolled person(s) name and image to be used in Ballet Lubbock promotions. I understand I may contact the office in writing to deny the use of the enrolled person(s) image and name.
The use of material protected by copyright, trademark law, or other intellectual property rights without permission is prohibited. Examples of copyrighted material include, but are not limited to, Ballet Lubbock’s logos, images (including, but not limited to, photos from performances, rehearsals, practices, and Ballet Lubbock events, as well as marketing collateral), performance audio recordings, performance video footage, footage filmed on Ballet Lubbock property (including, but not limited to, the Civic Center), costume and scenic designs, choreography, and materials written by Ballet Lubbock (including, but not limited to, text from brochures, programs and Ballet Lubbock’s website).
By signing your dancer’s Permission To Treat form, you hereby grant Ballet Lubbock the authority to obtain medical treatment for students enrolled in Ballet Lubbock classes.
Ballet Lubbock shall have the authorization to:
- Obtain medical treatment and procedures for the child(ren) as may be appropriate in emergency circumstances, including treatment by physicians, hospital and clinic personnel, and other appropriate health care providers.
- Obtain routine medical treatment from appropriate health care providers if symptoms of illness occur (e.g., fever, coughing, irregular breathing, unusual rashes, swallowing problems, etc.).
- The grant of temporary authority shall begin on date of registration and remain effective until terminated by the undersigned.
- In case of an emergency, the care provider(s) should first try to contact the parent(s)/guardian(s). If the parent(s)/guardian(s) cannot be reached, the care provider should then contact the emergency contacts provided during registration.
Regarding Social Media, Ballet Lubbock encourages all Staff, Faculty, Company Members, Students and Parents to engage with Ballet Lubbock social media pages. All active social media participants, directly or indirectly representing the Ballet Lubbock brand, should be aware that Ballet Lubbock reserves the right to request immediate removal of content that in any way relates to Ballet Lubbock or activities herein. Unless you have received permission from the Marketing Manager, you should not in any way imply that your speech is approved or adopted by Ballet Lubbock or that you speak in any official capacity for Ballet Lubbock.
Ballet Lubbock is pleased to offer competitive scholarship opportunities to students who wish to pursue dance education. The number and amount of each scholarship is determined by both the number of applicants and the amount of funds available. Scholarship awards are not guaranteed to be the same as awards made in previous years. Applicants agree to the guidelines set forth below:
- Applications must be received by the stated deadline. Late applications will not be considered by the Scholarship Committee.
- Scholarships awards are for both artistic merit AND financial need.
- Financial need is determined based on the supporting documents provided by you. Please submit the first page of your most recent tax return available. If a tax return is not available, please email Operations Director Meg Slater at meg@balletlubbock.org to discuss alternate income statements.
- Financial information submission is encouraged but not required.
- Final decisions about Student Artistic Merit are made solely by Ballet Lubbock’s Artistic Director and Assistant Artistic Director.
- Applications will be reviewed by the Ballet Lubbock Board of Directors’ Scholarship Committee. Board members with students at Ballet Lubbock are ineligible to serve on the Scholarship Committee. All decisions are final. There will be no reconsideration of awards determined by the Scholarship Committee.
- All scholarships are awarded on a year-to-year basis. In other words, even if you have received a scholarship in years past, you must reapply this year.
- Students in any level may apply for school tuition and Ballet Lubbock Sumer Workshop scholarships.
- External Summer Workshop Scholarships prioritize advanced students.
- Scholarships apply to tuition only. Scholarships do not include private lessons, master classes, or any expense outside of school tuition.
- Students who are not returning to Ballet Lubbock in the proceeding fall semester may be declined summer workshop scholarship awards.
- Submission of a scholarship application is considered as unconditional acceptance of all the policies set forth in this document.
- No exceptions will be made to any of the policies stated above.
- All applicants will be notified of their award status, regardless of amount.
- School year tuition scholarships and summer workshop scholarships are deducted directly from the dancer’s tuition balance. External Summer Workshop scholarships are paid directly to the external organization from Ballet Lubbock.
Announcements and scheduling changes are made by e-mail. Updates are also available on the Ballet Lubbock website at www.balletlubbock.org. It is your responsibility as parent/guardian to check in for pertinent news and information.
Ballet Lubbock has the discretion to cancel classes due to inclement weather. In the event of an emergency or a weather-related cancellation or delay, Ballet Lubbock will promptly notify you through both email and text message.
- Email: You will receive an email sent to the address we have on file.
- Text Message: A text message will also be sent to the phone number we have on record.
Please ensure that your contact information is current and accurate so that you receive these important updates in a timely manner.
Ballet Lubbock is a community that resolves conflict through respectful dialogue and a spirit of compromise. Our community includes students, parents, instructors, staff, volunteers, contract personnel, and others who contribute to the successful continuity of Ballet Lubbock programs. Should any member of the Ballet Lubbock community demonstrate hostility or intimidation to any other member of the Ballet Lubbock community in any form (verbal, written, physical, etc.), then the offending individual can be dismissed permanently from Ballet Lubbock’s School and/or programs without discussion or debate.
It is the responsibility of the student to collect all personal belongings from the building before departing. Under no circumstance will Ballet Lubbock be held liable for misplaced or stolen personal property. You are urged to check the corridor, lobby, and restroom for personal belongings each time you leave the School. To ensure a safe and secure environment for all our dancers, we kindly request that you avoid sending your child to class with irreplaceable or valuable items. While we strive to maintain a secure and organized facility, we cannot be held liable for lost or stolen personal belongings.
We recommend that dancers bring only essential items to class and leave valuable or sentimental objects at home. This will help us minimize any potential risks and focus on providing the best possible experience for our students.
Please note that cell phones and other non-medical electronics are not allowed in the studio during class. If your dancer needs to keep their phone on their person in case of family emergency, please let the instructor know.
To ensure a smooth and safe experience for everyone at Ballet Lubbock, we have established the following parking guidelines. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining an orderly and secure environment for our students and families.
- Parking and Walking Inside
All parents and guardians are required to park their vehicles in designated parking areas and walk their children into the studio. This policy helps ensure the safety of all our students and prevents congestion at the front entrance.
- No Drop-Off at the Front Entrance
For safety reasons, please do not drop off children at the front entrance. This area should remain clear to avoid accidents and maintain a safe environment for all. Ballet Lubbock is not the only organization utilizing this parking lot, many of whom are operating large vehicles to load performance equipment into the Buddy Holly Hall theatres.
- 10-Minute Parking Spaces
We have designated 10-minute parking spaces specifically for drop-off and pick-up. These spaces are intended to facilitate quick and efficient transitions while keeping the front entrance accessible and safe. Please use these spaces responsibly and adhere to the time limit to avoid inconvenience to other families.
- Designated Parking Spaces
Some parking spaces at Ballet Lubbock are designated for specific employees who may be present on-site late into the evening. Some parking spaces have been purchased by specific families at Ballet Lubbock’s annual gala, Encore!. Please avoid parking in these spaces. We understand that parking space is limited; there is additional parking across the street at the Civic Center or at LHUCA and the downtown post office should you have need of it.
- Towing
If your vehicle is parked in an illegal space or a designated parking space in which it does not belong, Ballet Lubbock reserves the right to have your vehicle towed. Buddy Holly Hall may also tow any vehicle with or without notifying Ballet Lubbock staff.
We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these parking policies. By following these guidelines, you help us maintain a safe and orderly environment for all who visit Ballet Lubbock. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Thank you for your cooperation.
To maintain a clean and safe environment at Ballet Lubbock, we have established the following food and drink policies. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us adhere to these guidelines.
- Food and Drink in the Dance Studios
To protect the integrity of our dance studio floors and ensure a hygienic environment, no food or drinks other than water are permitted inside the dance studios. Water bottles are allowed, but we ask that all other food and beverages be enjoyed in the designated areas outside the studios.
- Peanut-Free Facility
For the safety of our students with peanut allergies, Ballet Lubbock is a peanut-free facility. This includes all forms of peanuts and peanut products, including those fried in peanut oil. We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing foods containing peanuts or peanut oil, including from restaurants such as Chick-fil-A, Five Guys, and others.
- Disposal
To maintain the sanitation of our facilities, please dispose of all waste appropriately. If there is a spill or crumbs, please let the receptionist on duty know so that they can assist with clean-up.
We appreciate your understanding and adherence to these policies. Your cooperation helps us ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all our dancers. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you for your attention to these guidelines.